If you are searching for a bag on DHGate, you will most probably see all designer bags and women’s bag on your search. So, I am assuming that you are someone who is currently looking for bags, designer replica bags, and the like from DHGate. Nothing to worry, if you are someone who is just starting out to purchase products from DHGate, I will give you a list of the Best DHGate Sellers for Bags!
One thing that you would notice once you search for bags on DHGate is the broad selection of women’s handbags. It is because there are lots of manufacturers of designer bags that are selling their products on DHGate. I must say that once you find a reliable seller, you will most likely get excellent quality of bags.
If you are looking for replica designer bags on the right seller, you would even barely notice the difference of the replica bag from the original bag. In addition to that, you have saved hundreds and thousands of bucks just to get the bag that you want.
Top 8 DHGate Sellers for Bags 2023
Table of Contents
Sowangzhejk – DHGate Sellers for Bags
This store would give you all your bag needs for all seasons! This store has over 100 designer bags that you can choose from, but you can also find some of their very own designs! You can find anything from duffel bags and backpacks to shoulder bags and handbags.
This store also offers men’s bags, that are mostly backpacks and sling bags that are perfect for a casual day out. If you love designer wallets, there are also some leather type wallets which would go beautifully on your designer bags.
Real Customer Review: “My first time ordering from this site. I won’t lie, I didn’t have very high expectations…. but WOW this blew my mind. It is IDENTICAL to the real one. Thank you sooooo so much!! I will definitely be ordering another one! Also, it came within a month and a half. ”
Store Performance:
Positive Feedback Rating: 97. 3%
Years in DHGate: 1 year
Item as Described Rating: 4. 9
Communication Rating: 4. 9
Delivery Time Rating: 4. 8
Shipping Charges Rating: 4. 9
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Pink Sugao
Pink Sugao – DHGate Sellers for Bags
Why settle for sellers that are only selling replica luxury handbags and shoulder bags? Pick one just like Pink Sugao, which gives you a vast option for designer handbags, backpacks, wallets, waist bags, men’s bags, and all other bags like makeup purses!
What caught my attention is the sharp detail of every bag that Pink Sugao has been selling. You would even barely notice the difference when you compare their bags with original designer bags. Plus, you get to have endless choices because they have over a thousand items to choose from!
Real Customer Review: “I’m very satisfied with this bag. It’s the perfect size, and the LV looks real, I’ve gotten several compliments. ”
Store Performance:
Positive Feedback Rating: 97. 3%
Years in DHGate: 1 year
Item as Described Rating: 4. 9
Communication Rating: 4. 9
Delivery Time Rating: 4. 9
Shipping Charges Rating: 4. 9
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Juan5518016 – DHGate Sellers for Bags
If you are looking for the perfect bag for your dazzling and glamorous party that you are attending, you must buy your evening bag from this store! They have an excellent selection of truly stunning clutch bags. From sequins to glitter and stones, this store has got you!
You can also find luxury bags, dresses, and high-grade leather bags and wallets for any occasion. This store has 48,463 total transactions ever since they started their business out on DHGate, so this store is one true reliable shop for your bag needs.
Real Customer Review: “Juan always blows me away with the quality of his items. There is a reason he is my favorite seller! It is a personal size so I recommend buying inserts on Etsy so that you can use it immediately! The quality is fantastic, and shipping came WAY quicker than I expected. EVERYONE SHOULD BUY FROM JUAN!!!!!”
Store Performance:
Positive Feedback Rating: 98. 1%
Years in DHGate: 3 years
Item as Described Rating: 4. 9
Communication Rating: 4. 9
Delivery Time Rating: 4. 9
Shipping Charges Rating: 4. 9
Dicky0750 – DHGate Sellers for Bags
Luxury bags and high-quality wallets should always be beautifully crafted. On the other hand, there are lots of people who never wanted to spend so much on just a bag! That is why Dicky0750 store is here for you!
Leather bags and wallets are waiting for you, and you can purchase one for as low as $16. That’s a whole lot different than the bags that you buy from the mall! This store has less than a hundred items to sell, but don’t you dare belittle this store’s 20,000+ transactions and 98. 4% positive feedback!
Real Customer Review:
“This wallet is IT! Real leather on point. The code, color details everything. Will be ordering again. I ordered from many sellers, but this seller ships fast. In about two and a half weeks, I got it in NY. ”
Store Performance:
Positive Feedback Rating: 98. 4%
Years in DHGate: 5 years
Item as Described Rating: 4. 9
Communication Rating: 4. 9
Delivery Time Rating: 4. 9
Shipping Charges Rating: 4. 9
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Designer_1_handbag – DHGate Sellers for Bags
You can get leather wallets for as low as $0. 82 from the Designer_1_handbag store. In addition to that, you can score some classic replicas of luxury designer bags from clutch bags to shoulder and handbags. From a chic boho look to a professional-looking businesswoman, all bags from this store are perfect for any look!
Real Customer Review:
“When I opened the box, this bag gave me WOW…. I really really love this bag so much. Thank you, seller I love it so much. I need every color of this bag!”
Store Performance:
Positive Feedback Rating: 98. 3%
Years in DHGate: 1 year
Item as Described Rating: 4. 9
Communication Rating: 4. 9
Delivery Time Rating: 4. 9
Shipping Charges Rating: 4. 9
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Over 500 items of bags and wallets plus some scarves, gloves, and hats can be found on the Mango89711 store. Handbags, shoulder bags, and cross-body bags are the most items in this store. Of course, they sell replica items, but that does not mean that their products have inferior quality.
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