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Reviews of SHEIN Baby Clothes

Reviews of SHEIN Baby Clothes

In this post, I'm going to share my thoughts on baby clothes from SHEIN and what people are saying about them online.

I wasn't sure about buying baby clothes from SHEIN since they're cheap, but they ended up being adorable and I really liked them!

SHEIN has a deal where they deliver anything for free the first time you buy, so you can even get just one thing if you want.

My Experience with SHEIN Baby Clothes

I'll be sharing my thoughts on SHEIN baby clothes along with some photos for you to check out.

Affordable SHEIN Baby Clothes

The SHEIN baby clothes I ordered arrived in about a week, which was quicker than I expected! I had read many reviews suggesting a two-week delivery time, so this was a pleasant surprise. Upon arrival, I noticed the packaging was quite tight.

Top SHEIN Baby Clothes

I picked up a couple of outfits from SHEIN for my baby – one for regular everyday use and another for those times when we want to dress up a bit fancier. Each piece arrived neatly wrapped in its own plastic bag.

Best SHEIN Baby Clothes

Check out these adorable everyday wear SHEIN baby clothes I bought! The outfit features a charming baby bottle pattern and even comes with a cute hat that has a baby bottle nipple design on top. It's just too cute!

Cute SHEIN Baby Clothes

I snagged a second outfit from SHEIN for my little one, perfect for those quick trips out. It's a chic black number dotted with vibrant flowers, stylish enough for a baby outfit that it even works for unexpected formal events. And it's versatile – you can absolutely have your baby wear it for daily adventures too.

Cheap SHEIN Baby Clothes

I dressed her up in SHEIN’s baby clothes with the milk design, and wow, it’s absolutely adorable – definitely a head-turner!

She’s currently 8 months old and just a tad under 10 kg. We typically go for clothes from Japanese brands in sizes 80-90, but given that she’s a bit on the bigger side, I opted for size 86 from SHEIN. It fits her perfectly! 

Plus, it came with a hat, which makes it such a great deal.

Stylish SHEIN Baby Clothes

This one's a bit more on the stylish side – it even has an adorable sheer skirt!

I went for size 92 because I'm hoping she can wear it for a while as she grows.

Popular SHEIN Baby Clothes

This outfit features snap buttons for fastening, and there's some extra space for comfort. Despite that, it doesn't appear bulky at all – it actually looks quite nice on! Plus, it seems like there’s enough room for growth, so I reckon it’ll still fit well even as she gets a bit bigger.

Famous SHEIN Baby Clothes

I found that SHEIN's baby clothes were incredibly affordable, so I decided to give it a shot and I'm really pleased with the quality for the price.

They offer such a wide range of designs, it can be tough to pick just one! From casual to chic, there's a lot of styles, and it's tempting to keep filling up your shopping cart.

Knowing how quickly babies grow out of their clothes, I opted for a size up and it turned out to be just right!

I'd suggest going for a bigger size too; it doesn't look big, and they can wear it for much longer.

And what's even more exciting, SHEIN offers matching outfits for parents and children – it’s a great opportunity to coordinate looks with your little one!

Negative Feedback on SHEIN Baby Clothes

Among those who have shopped at SHEIN, there were a few negative reviews and opinions shared.

I read a review mentioning that SHEIN's delivery could be a bit slow. Given that SHEIN ships from China, it's understandable that their items might take a while to arrive. A lot of customers do get their orders within 10 days, but it's wise to place your orders well in advance just in case.

Also, since you can't try the clothes on before buying, some people have found it challenging to pick the right size. Checking the product reviews can be really helpful to avoid sizing mistakes.

Positive Feedback on SHEIN Baby Clothes

While there have been some negative reviews about SHEIN, the positive ones significantly outnumber them!

Let's check out some of these positive reviews!

SHEIN has garnered a lot of positive feedback for its offerings! Known for its affordable and stylish selections, the brand has amassed an impressive number of positive reviews.

This affordability factor especially makes SHEIN an attractive option for baby clothes. Since little ones outgrow their outfits so rapidly, finding budget-friendly options that don’t compromise on quality is a huge plus for parents.

Despite the low prices, SHEIN doesn’t cut corners on quality. The clothes are surprisingly durable and boast adorable designs, which has led to a growing base of shoppers who simply can't get enough of their products. 

This combination of cost-effectiveness, robust quality, and cute aesthetics makes SHEIN a go-to for many.

Downsides of SHEIN Baby Clothes

Here are three drawbacks of shopping for baby clothes from SHEIN:

Slow Delivery

One significant disadvantage is the delayed delivery time of SHEIN's baby clothes compared to other Japanese shopping platforms. While there have been instances of packages arriving in as little as five days, it's more common for deliveries to take approximately 7 to 14 days. It's crucial to plan and order ahead, especially if you need the clothes for a specific event.

In-store Purchases Not Available

Despite SHEIN having physical stores in Tokyo and Osaka, they don't offer the option to purchase items directly in the store. You can physically examine and pick up the baby clothes in the store, but actual purchasing must be done through their official online site. This means even if you visit the store hoping to buy and wear something immediately, that option isn't available.

Limited Character Selections

SHEIN offers a diverse range in baby clothing; however, they fall short in the department of character-themed items. For those looking to buy baby clothes featuring popular characters like Disney or Paw Patrol at affordable prices, SHEIN might not be the best choice. PatPat is recommended for a broader selection of character-themed baby clothes at low prices. While SHEIN remains an affordable option for a variety of baby and children's clothing, this limitation is something to consider.

Pros of Shopping Shein Baby Clothes

Let's talk about three reasons why SHEIN baby clothes are great.


SHEIN is an online-only fashion brand, unlike other fast fashion names you might know like H&M or Uniqlo. Because they don't have physical stores and manage their production smartly in China, they keep prices really low. This is perfect for baby clothes since little ones grow out of them so fast. With SHEIN, you can buy super cheap clothes, making it easy to shop even on a tight budget.

Cute and Unique

What makes SHEIN's baby clothes stand out are their adorable and different designs. Since these clothes come from an international brand, they don't look like the typical stuff you might find locally. Picking out these cute outfits can be a lot of fun, and your baby will end up with some really unique looks.

There's always something new.

SHEIN adds about 1000 new items every day! They use some cool tech to make designing and producing new clothes super fast, sometimes in just three days. This means there are always fresh and trendy baby clothes to discover, giving you a reason to keep checking their site for the latest adorable outfits.

Shipping Fees for SHEIN Baby Clothes

SHEIN has some rules about shipping costs. If you buy something for less than 2,000 yen, you need to pay 500 yen for shipping. But if you buy for more than 2,000 yen, shipping is free. They used to have two ways to send stuff, but now there's just one.

You won't pay for shipping if your order is over 2,000 yen, and that's a goal worth aiming for.

If you're buying something from SHEIN for the first time, you won't pay for shipping at all.

SHEIN also has some cool ways to save money:

  • You get a 300 yen discount on your first order.
  • If you download their app and buy stuff worth 4,000 yen or more, you get 500 yen off.
  • If you tell a friend about SHEIN, you both get 10% off.
  • Add SHEIN as a friend on LINE and get an extra 12% off.

SHEIN's prices are already pretty low, but with these deals, you can save even more money!

Who Should and Shouldn't Buy SHEIN Baby Clothes?

Not Recommended to:

  • Those in a hurry: If you need baby clothes fast, SHEIN might not be the best since shipping takes time.
  • Size-conscious shoppers: If you worry about getting the right size, you might not want to risk it.
  • Store visitors: If you like to see and buy clothes in person, SHEIN's online-only shop is a drawback.
  • Fans of Japanese clothing: People who prefer Japanese brands may not find SHEIN as appealing.

Note: SHEIN is based in the US but ships from China, so expect longer delivery times. Unlike SHEIN, Pear Manon is a brand with Korean designs that you can find in stores in Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, and Fukuoka.

Recommended to:

  • Fashion lovers: If you like picking out cute outfits, you'll enjoy SHEIN's vast collection.
  • Solitary shoppers: If you prefer shopping without crowds or salespeople, SHEIN's online store is perfect.
  • Bargain hunters: Looking for lots of adorable, affordable baby clothes? SHEIN offers good deals.

Good to know: SHEIN's low prices mean you can keep up with your baby's growth sprees without breaking the bank.

Overall Thoughts on SHEIN Baby Clothes

SHEIN has lots of cute baby clothes that are affordable. There are so many options, which makes shopping fun. People are talking a lot about SHEIN these days, especially about their adorable baby outfits. 

If you're looking to buy cute and inexpensive baby clothes, we suggest checking out SHEIN. Also, being a member has its perks, so if you're curious, you should definitely explore their website.

Read More:

Are there SHEIN physical stores

How to get refund and return from Shein

When does Shein have free shipping

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