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What you need to know on How To Use Alipay

how to use alipay|alipay app

AliPay is a third-party online payment service provider that first came out in 2004 in China. Ever since then, it has managed to gain quite a lot of popularity. Mobile payment is quite the rage these days, especially amongst the Chinese. This is the reason why Alipay has such a strong foothold.

What is Alipay?

alipay app

It is the most widely used mobile payment app in China that is used by the Chinese for everything. It is an e-wallet with which you can complete your transactions using your mobile phone. You will often see people in China scanning QR codes from the app in their smartphones to buy their groceries. There is no need to carry any cash if you are using Alipay.

The app has made it possible for people to pay their bills without moving from the comfort of their homes. With the all-encompassing mobile payment app, you can pay for your airline’s ticket, transfer money, pay for cabs and utility bills, or buy a beer - all of this by just using your phone.

Benefits of using Alipay

  • You can shop with it on most Chinese websites including Taobao and Tmall.
  • You can easily transfer money to your friends and family.
  • You can pay your credit card and phone bills.
  • It takes care of your utility bills.
  • Thanks to this e-wallet, you do not have to carry cash with you everywhere.
  • You can easily pay for your taxi.
  • There is also an option to invest in mutual funds with Alibaba.
  • The app lets you check your bank balance easily.
  • You can use the app for purchases in selected supermarkets, restaurants, and vending machines.

And no! The benefits of Alipay do not end there. It is emerging as a popular choice for AliExpress shoppers as well. It is the perfect PayPal alternative to AliExpress. Are you not sure how to use Alipay?

This article will help you gain in-depth knowledge about the app. Keep reading to know how this mobile giant can help you pay for your orders quickly and with no hassles.

What protection will you get when you use Alipay on AliExpress?

There are several advantages of using Alipay to pay for orders on AliExpress. Alipay acts as an intermediary between the buyer and the seller. The benefits you get include the following:

  • 100 percent reimbursement for unauthorized transactions.
  • 90 days of payment protection.
  • Quick-response time.

AliExpress Payment via Alipay - The Transaction Process

You can pay for your orders on AliExpress using Alipay. The whole process is simple and can be broadly divided into four steps -

  • The first thing would be to select the product on AliExpress.
  • Select Alipay as your mode of payment when checking out. With this, you can use Alipay to pay for your orders.
  • The seller delivers the goods to you.
  • Once you receive your order, Alipay will finally transfer the money to the seller. This is done only after you indicate satisfaction with the product.

Now, are you ready to get Alipay for yourself? Let us begin!

Before you apply -

Before you sit down to register yourself on the mobile payment app, make sure to keep these things ready before you download the app and are ready to register -

  • Passport Number
  • Phone Number
  • Bank Account

Do you have these things ready? Here’s how you can finally make your Alipay account and enjoy the tremendous benefits it offers. Create your account and shop away without any hassle.

How to register on Alipay and how to get your account?

Download the App and Sign Up

First things first! You cannot move ahead without creating your own Alipay account.

The first step is to download the Alipay app from your app store or download it from Alipay’s website. Or simply click here. This will redirect you to a page where you have to fill in your personal details.

how to use alipay on aliexpress

The Terms and Conditions

Once you agree to the terms and conditions, you will see this -

alipay login

You can open either a personal account or a business account.

how to use alipay without china bank

The next step is to change your nationality. You can click on the drop-down menu and select your country. Once you have selected your country, the next step is to add your phone number for verification.


alipay sign up

You can either add a Chinese number or check out the zip code for your nation and add your foreign number. Alipay will send verification code on your mobile number. Enter the verification code that you receive.

Fill out the Registration Form

Now, you can fill out the registration form to complete the process.

  • Set your Login Password, which must include 6-20 characters with at least one capital letter and no space between the characters.
  • Set your Payment Password, which must be different from your Login password. It must be a six-digit numeric code.
  • Security Questions - Pick a security question and enter your answer underneath.
  • Your personal information such as name, gender, and address.
  • Add your ID Information. If you are a foreigner, choose the Passport option and enter your Passport number.

And you are done.

You can then login to your Alipay account.

Add your Bank Card

If you haven’t added your card before, add it now. Go to your account and then click on ‘Bank Cards’. If you have already added your card, this page will show you the number of cards you have added.

Make Payments!

And finally, you can use your Alipay account to make payments online. You can make purchases, pay your bills, book a taxi, or send money to a friend. The possibilities are limitless!

You can use Alipay to pay for your orders in AliExpress as well.

Now that you have finally created your Alipay account, let us look at some common queries you may come across -

Accepted Currencies on Alipay

Alipay does not just accept CNY (Chinese Yuan). It supports other currencies as well, including GBP, USD, EUR, etc. If you are traveling abroad and are somewhere that accepts Alipay as a mode of payment, you do not have to worry about exchanging your CNY to the local currency.

Alipay will save you the trouble. When you checkout, it automatically converts your CNY expense based on the exchange rate on that particular day.

Can you use Alipay out of China?

Yes, you can use Alipay out of China if the local merchant supports Alipay. However, it is a little difficult to find a vendor outside of China who uses Alipay. It is mainly targeted at Chinese visitors or Chinese people living abroad. There are some countries where you will be able to find Alipay, including Australia, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea.

Can you change your language?

Yes, and it is quite simple to change your language. Sign in to your mobile app, and go to settings on the ‘Me’ tab. Here, you can choose your preferred language. The Alipay app supports four languages - Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese (Taiwan), Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong), and English.

How to keep your cash safe on Alipay?

Alipay is safe but you have a huge role to play in it. You must protect your personal information. When using Alipay, be mindful of the following -

  • Like with other things, you must never share your login password or payment password with anyone. Keep it to yourself.
  • Has anyone told you that you should be very careful of your surroundings when entering your ATM password? It’s the same here. When entering your password, make sure you are in safe surroundings where nobody is peeking into your phone.
  • Remember to set a difficult password. An easy password is easy to guess and hack. Do not use your mobile number or birth date as your passwords. You must also avoid numbers like ‘123456’ or ‘111111’.
  • Your payment QR code needs to be protected do. Do not show it to others or let others click a photo of it. Doing so will pose a great threat to your account.
  • Do not click on any URL link that looks fishy. Also, do not install any app that could bring along a virus with it.
  • If you get an SMS or call from spammers, be reasonable and do not share your personal information.

If you follow all of these, you can be sure that your cash will remain safe with Alipay.

Can you use any other payment method except for QR code payment on Alipay?

Yes, there are other payment methods that you can use to pay with Alipay. One of the methods is credit card payment - credit pay. This method uses your credentials. However, the most popular method of payment in China is by using the QR code.

Can you use Alipay for anything else apart from making payments?

Yes, you can use Alipay for other things as well; payment is not the only thing this app does. The mobile payment app supports financial management, money transfer, and medical registration.

The app also lets you get takeaway food, recharge your phone, find your own insurance and housing fund, as well as hail a taxi. Apart from these things, you can also use the app to pay for movie tickets, flight tickets, train tickets, or book a hotel for your vacation.

I hope this article helped you get clear about Alipay and its numerous benefits. With its highly-efficient service, Alipay will help you lead an easy life. Take out your phone and pay away using Alipay!


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